Book any hotel using the ABTA approved travel booking engine and start getting paid today.
Book any hotel using the ABTA approved travel booking engine and start getting paid today.
There's a lot of money in TRAVEL, book hotels, villa's, resorts, packages, excursions and more on our platform and earn every time.
Book a trip or hotel stay for a friend, family member, stranger or any travel you already book online and EARN every single time.
Every time you book travel through any booking site you currently use you MISS OUT on commission that you could be earning. Partner with this opportuntiy and platform to gain credentials as a verified "travel agent" which means you can earn unlimited commission on hotels and travel worldwide forever.
Use this as a way to monetise the travel and holidays you would be booking anyway, or create another flexible online income for yourself as this opportunity allows you to book travel for your friends & family, work colleagues & social media followers and earn unlimited travel commissions.
If you have ever wanted to GET PAID for recommending hotels to others and booking them this is your chance.
Average Commission 8% - 15%
Commission paid to you = £197
Average Commission 10% - 18%
EXAMPLE: Cruise cost = £1,797
Commission paid to you = £201
Average Commission 10% - 12%
EXAMPLE: Day trip safari cost = £555
Commission paid to you = £46
Not at all! You can use all of our host agency preferred partners to make bookings or contact hotels directly worldwide. We are partnered with the best tourism company's in the world.